
Welcome! Bem-Vindos! Bienvenidos! Bienvenus!
Ensaio geral... Primeiros passos no mundo da blogosfera.
Muitas aprendizagens a fazer pelo caminho.
Duas frases de hoje:
1ª de promoção da leitura na Crosswords, livraria em Puna, Índia do Sul:
"You don't open a book, You open a mind".
2ª, ao acaso, nas obras de M. Yourcenar:
"Puisque le Temps est le sang des vivants, l'eternité doit être du sang d'ombre"

sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Around Malta

"For there is every variety of luxury,
animal, mineral and vegetable -
a Bishop and a daughter,
pease and artichocks, works in
marble and fillagree, red mullet,
and Archadeacon, Mandarin Oranges,
Admirals and Generals, Marsala
Wine 10d a bottle -religious proces -
sions, poodles, geraniums, balls, bacon,
baboons, books and what not."

Letter to Lady Waldegrave (13 February 1866)

"Adieu, ye joys of
La Valette!
Adieu, sirocco, sun and
Adieu, thou palace rarely
Adieu, ye mansions where
I've ventured!
Adieu, ye cursed streets of

Farewell to Malta (1811)

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